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"Tati Here and Elsewhere" 2013 oil paint and photograph on
canvas, 122 x 92 cm, Inno-centre Collection, Montreal



Detail of "Tati Here and Elsewhere" 2013

oil paint and photograph oncanvas, Inno-centre Collection, Montreal



"Suitcase in the Snow" 2011, oil paint and photograph on canvas
122 x 92 cm Private collection Quebec


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Detailof "Suitcase in the Snow" 2011, oil paint and photograph on canvas, Private collection Quebec




"Trois Rivières, Saint Sauveur"2012, oil paint on canvas

122 x 92 cm Inno-centre Collection, Montreal




Detail of "Trois Rivières, Saint Sauveur"2012, oil paint on canvas, Inno-centre Collection, Montreal




"Nazaré Lady" 2013 oil paint and photograph on canvas 122 x 92 cm



Detail of "Nazaré Lady" 2013 oil paint and photograph on canvas 122 x 92 cm

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"Langelier", 2011-12 oil paint and photograph on canvas 122 x 92 cm



Detail of "Langelier", 2011-12 oil paint and photograph on canvas




"Corner of Kirouac and L’Aqueduc" 2013 oil paint on canvas

122 x 92 cm




Detail of "Corner of Kirouac and L’Aqueduc" 2013 oil paint on canvas



"Corner House”, 2011, oil paint on canvas 92 x 122 cm Inno-centre Collection, Montreal


"Water Rising" 2013, oil paint and photograph on canvas, 122 x 92 cm

Wandering through a city, one may notice an architectural detail, or the way the light falls on a wall, and remember another place, another home, as if each city had a labyrinth of memories spread underneath its facades. "Entangled City Rambles" is meant to create a metaphor for this, with a series of large paintings on canvas inspired by  the earlier collage sketches on paper of urban scenes, people and skies. These paintings often reveal a place as seen through another place, body, or clothing.

Lorsqu'on se balade dans une ville, il arrive qu'on remarque un détail d'architecture, ou la façon dont la lumière tombe sur un mur, et ceci nous rappelle un autre lieu, une autre demeure, comme si chaque ville dissimulait un labyrinthe de souvenirs sous sa surface. « Dédales urbains entrelacés » veut créer une métaphore pour ce sens de dédoublement, avec une série de peintures faites à partir des collages-esquisses précédents sur papier des scènes urbaines, des personnages, et des ciels. Souvent ces tableaux révèlent un lieu au travers d'un autre lieu, corps ou vêtement.


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