"Botanical Fugitive 2”
Group of 8 small paintings, oil paint and wax on linen, cotton and canvas

Detail of "Botanical Fugitive 2 (#6)”
Oil paint and wax on linen, cotton and canvas

Detail of "Botanical Fugitive 2 (#1)”
Oil paint and wax on linen, cotton and canvas

Detail of "Botanical Fugitive 2 (#4)”
Oil paint and wax on linen, cotton and canvas

Detail of "Botanical Fugitive 2 (#8)”
Oil paint and wax on linen, cotton and canvas

"Mariette" oil paint and wax on canvas
Private collection, Quebec

"Henri" oil paint and wax on canvas
Private collection, Greece

"The Sleeper" oil paint and wax on canvas
Botanical Fugitives is a series of small oil paintings on cotton and linen imprinted with botanical motifs that have been coated with wax. With each painting, the pattern printed on the fabric is almost completely eliminated by the painted image on top. All that remains is a hint of the printed pattern. As when glimpsing patches of old wallpaper beneath layers of peeling paint, the pattern, subtle and faded, appears and disappears, at times familiar and at times remote, like memory itself.
Botanique fugitive est une série de petites peintures sur des tissus en coton et en lin imprimés de motifs botaniques qui ont été recouverts d'une couche de cire. Dans chaque pièce, les motifs imprimés disparaissent presque derrière l’image superposée en peinture. Comme la surface d’un palimpseste fait de couches accumulées d’anciens papiers peints et de patine de vieilles peintures, les motifs apparaissent, disparaissent, subtils, fanés, frémissants, à la fois familiers et lointains comme la mémoire même.